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CEI Materials Aids Designers In University of Michigan Renovation Using MCM and Insulated Panels
Schembechler Hall at the University of Michigan serves as an ode to the university’s rich football history. The building is the renovation of the former U of M football operations building and houses the new dedication museum for football enthusiasts devoted to the university’s legendary coach Bo Schembechler.
Architects Design Contemporary Police Station With CEI Materials Fabricated Panels
Historically municipality design takes few risks and sticks within a more traditional approach to its architectural design. These buildings often represent a community’s public use government spaces and remain unchanged for years. Occasionally, municipalities are designed with innovative technologies and modern building palettes, offering a community a distinguished beacon.
The Basic Raw Materials Involved With Metal Fabrication
The metal fabricators have a variety of metals forms with which they use in order to reduce the...
What is Metal Cladding?
What is metal cladding and what is it used for? Find out how to improve the appeal of your building facade with CEI Materials architectural cladding!

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